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#IJRAmadan Day 17

The Honor and Nobility of Man is in His Knowledge

The beginning of man's creation was from a dangling clot, and that out of Allah's generosity He taught man that which he did not know. Thus, Allah exalted him and honored him by giving him knowledge, and it is the dignity that the Father of Humanity, Adam, was distinguished with over the angels.

Knowledge sometimes is in the mind, sometimes on the tongue, and sometimes in writing with the fingers. Thus, it may be intellectual, spoken and written.

And while the last (written) necessitates the first two (intellectual and spoken), the reverse is not true. For this reason Allah says ayah 3-5.

There is a narration that states, "Record knowledge by writing.'' There is also a saying which states, "Whoever acts according to what he knows, Allah will make him inherit knowledge that he did not know.''

—Tafseer by Ibn Kathir

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