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3P: Avoid Covid-19

The euphoria of the Covid-19 vaccine makes many people feel safe. Even though vaccine hasn’t been evenly distributed, they are starting to lax safety protocols. In fact, various countries around the world are entering the second or third wave of the pandemic.

Therefore, IAES urges you to keep implementing the following 3Ps so that you can always avoid Covid-19 and minimize the spread of the virus.


Always pray to Allah so that we will avoid disease, and that this corona virus will soon disappear from the earth. The process of putting reliance on God is also a way to calm your mind and reduce your stress, so it can help increasing your body’s immunity.


There are several ways to protect yourself from Covid-19. First, you have to increase your body’s immunity, by exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and taking vitamins. Don’t forget to wash your hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. Wear a mask when you are around people who don’t live with you or when you/your household members have symptoms such as coughing or sneezing. Surely, you can get vaccinated when it’s available, and always monitor your health daily (be alert for symptoms!).


After taking care of yourself, prevent the spread of the corona virus. Put 2 meters (6 feet) of distance between yourself and people who don’t live in your household. Avoid crowds like restaurants, malls, or markets. If you must do any indoor activity, keep the rooms ventilated. Reduce your mobility; don’t travel if it’s not for very urgent and important business.

Keep up these protocols, even if you’re already vaccinated, until the health authorities confirm that it’s already safe to lax it.

Let’s apply the 3Ps together, so that the world returns to a safe and comfortable place for us to do activities and socialize.

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